Intrusive pig signallers, by definition, require pipe penetrations which provide potential Gas, Oil or other Hazardous material leak paths to the air, water or ground. Any of these leak paths could result in investigation costs, clean up costs and decreased public confidence in the safety of the facility.
Non-Intrusive Signallers, by definition, do not.
Intrusive Pig Signaller maintenance, for any reason, involves exposing the Field Technician to potential pressure related and hazardous material related opportunities for injury. Proper instructions, training and experience can minimize this possibility but not eliminate it as seals or valves can malfunction and lose their capacity to protect against hydrocarbon pressure. Not only could the Field Technician and other employees be exposed, but so could the surrounding community.
Non-Intrusive Signallers do not require pipe penetrations. Enclosures for the sensors and relevant electronics are rated and clearly marked for safety in the environment in which they will be exposed by third party organizations independent of the manufacturer. Battery powered units can be lifted off the pipe easily and removed from the hazardous area for change out of batteries. Local power units can operate years without requiring entry into the enclosure. Non-Intrusive indicators offer local and remote indicators of pig passage without having to send a Field Technician into the area.
No pressure retention, therefore no leak paths, Minimal Field Technician exposure to the environment, and 3rd Party safety certification for the equipment.
It’s that simple.
Changing your Intrusive Pig Signallers to Non-Intrusive Pig Signallers improves the safety of your employees, processes, and the surrounding community.