Cost-effective & Immediate Integrity Verification

Optimise your gauging operations without compromising your budget. 

Defect Detection with No Pig Recovery

GRID® offers a cost-effective solution for quickly identifying defects in subsea pipelines, eliminating the need for pig recovery. This allows you to dive straight into actionable insights without the time and effort traditionally required for inspection.

Bypass Caliper Pig Runs

Avoid the added expense and lengthy process of caliper pig runs. With GRID®, you can streamline operations and eliminate the need for additional runs entirely.

Direct to the Hydrotest

A successful gauging run confirmed by GRID enables a smooth and efficient transition directly into your hydrotest, saving time and simplifying the process.

Flexible Installation and Activation

The system can be configured with a pressure switch that activates once the pipeline pressure exceeds a predetermined threshold. This feature allows for installation inside a wet pipeline at atmospheric pressure, providing flexibility and enabling setup well in advance of the required activation date.


Operation and Features
The system is designed to be compatible with pipelines 6 inches in diameter and larger, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of pipeline sizes
A pig fitted with a GRID EM Transmitter and gauge plate is run through the pipeline. The Transmitter monitors the condition of the gauge plate and reports status remotely via a Pass or Fail pulse rate
The transmitted pulse can be detected using an EMRx EM Receiver, either by a diver or an ROV.
Electromagnetic power and pulse rates and lengths can be altered to extend the battery life allowing specific project requirements to be met.
Single-hit system features a standard gauge plate and reports the status of the first event. The Multi-hit system includes a gauge plate with resettable paddles for multiple activations.

Additional documentation, certification and applications

A complete overview of our Competencies

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