Cost-effective & Immediate Integrity Verification

Optimise your gauging operations without compromising your budget. 

Fast Detection

GRID® quickly identifies the presence and approximate position of defects along a pipeline, ensuring no time is wasted.

Bypass Caliper Pig Runs

Eliminate the added expenses and time-consuming process.  With GRID®, there is no need for caliper pig runs.

No More Pig Recovery

Forget the time and hassle of recovering the pig to inspect the gauge plate.  Dive straight into actionable insights.

Direct To the Hydrotest

A successful gauging confirmed by GRID® means a seamless transition into your hydrotest.


Operation and Features
A pig fitted with a GRID® transducer and gauge plate is run through the line. The transducer monitors the condition of the gauge plate and reports status remotely
The system signals the time a defect was detected. 
The operator can then establish the approximate position of the defect.
Can be configured with a pressure switch that activates the system once pipeline pressure exceeds a set threshold meaning that the system can be installed inside a wet pipeline at atmospheric pressure in advance of the required activation date.
Optional Automatic Resetting Gauging Fingers (ARGF) allow multiple defects to be detected and logged on a gauging run. 

Additional documentation, certification and applications

A complete overview of our Competencies

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